Transported After School Karate Program 2024-2025
Our Transported After School Program offers a Safe Environment for your child to learn important life skills to ensure their success at school, in the dojo, and later in life.
We provide the benefits of traditional martial arts programs like focus, respect, and self-control while also teaching practical self-defense methods for the ever-changing world. And we always operate in a fun and supportive environment so the kids can enjoy their journey toward black belt, one step at a time!
Our goal is to live life at the highest level! This is the best way to maximize the potential of your child during the after-school time slot.
What Makes Our Program Outstanding:
✓ World Class Martial Arts Instruction
✓ Exciting Games to reinforce respect, teamwork, and focus
✓ Arts, Crafts, and mini science Projects
✓ Mini Japanese Language Lessons
✓ Life-Skills & Character Development
✓ Confidence Building Bully Defense and Stranger Awareness
✓ Confidence & Leadership Drills
✓ Daily Inspirational ‘Mat Chats’ to instill outstanding behavior in our students
✓ Quiet Time / Reading Time & Homework
Transportation Options:
Our Dojo Vans currently pick up from:
- Daniel Bagley Elementary
- Whittier Elementary
- Cascadia Elementary
Our instructors lead walking groups from:
- Greenwood Elementary
Program Overview:
✓ Our program is for students entering Kindergarten in the Fall of 2024 – 5th grade
✓ Our program runs from school dismissal until 5 PM on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays.
✓ Our Program is calculated weekly so you won’t pay for School Break Weeks
✓ Every student is required to attend at least 2 classes per week in order to stay up to date on the current curriculum requirements. (You can choose up to 4 classes a week!)
✓ NO Experience Needed! You’ll be able to follow along with our classes and have a blast even if you’ve never trained a day in martial arts!
✓ Every student will take a belt test at the end of each trimester (Fall, Winter, and Spring) and Parents are welcome to watch the belt test to see the fruit of their child’s hard work!
2024-2025 Schedule
Our program runs in conjunction with the Seattle Public School System’s calendar.
Fall Session:
14 weeks (Wednesday, Sep 4th, 2024 – Thursday, Dec 19th, 2024)
Winter Session:
10 weeks (Monday, January 6th, 2025 – Thursday, March 27th, 2025)
Spring Session:
10 weeks (Monday, March 31st, 2025 – Wednesday, June 18th, 2025)
- The last day of our afterschool program is currently scheduled to be Wednesday, June 18th, 2025.
- Potential Seattle Public School makeup days are June 20th to 24th.
Dates without Karate
Our After School Program will be CLOSED for the following dates:
- Veterans Day – Monday, November 11th, 2024
- School Conferences & Thanksgiving Break – Monday, November 25th to Friday, November 29th, 2024
- Winter Break – Monday, December 23rd, 2024 to Sunday, January 5th, 2025
- MLK Jr. Day – Monday, January 20th, 2025
- Mid-Winter Break – Monday, February 17th to Friday, February 21st, 2025
- Spring Break – Monday, April 14th to Friday, April 18th, 2025
- Memorial Day – Monday, May 26th, 2025
- Juneteenth – Wednesday, June 19th, 2025
Belt Promotions
Fall Session:
Tuesday, 12/17, Wednesday, 12/18, and Thursday, 12/19/2024
Winter Session:
Tuesday, 3/25, Wednesday, 3/26, Thursday, 3/27/2025
Spring Session:
Thursday, 6/12, Monday, 6/16, Tuesday, 6/17/2025
- Belt Tests will be held at the end of each quarter covering highlights of material taught in class throughout the quarter.
- If your child can’t make it to the belt test, we’ll need to schedule a make-up belt test. There will be a $30 per child fee for scheduling a private make-up test.
- In order to qualify for the belt test, students will need to earn all of the stripes on their belts. These small steps will help them learn to set and achieve goals. These stripes are called memory, bronze, silver, and gold.
Tuition Rates
Tuition for 2024-2025
2 Days |
3 Days |
4 Days |
Early Release Wednesday |
$89 per week | $109 per week | $129 per week | Additional $15 per day |
Required Equipment
- White Karate Uniform (Top & Bottom)
- Belt
- Sparring Gloves
- Dojo Cinch Bag
These items are included in the “ASP Equipment Package” which is $72 (plus tax).
If your child loses them, you’ll need to purchase new equipment at the dojo. Please label all of your gear!
*Please READ ALL of our policies and information below before requesting to register your child(ren) for our afterschool program.*
Registration Policies:
- Both online and paper registrations are NOT immediate bookings. After we receive a request from you via an online or paper registration form, we’ll figure out if we can fit your child on your preferred days, and we’ll email you to let you know and confirm your child’s spot.
- Since spaces are filled on a first come first serve basis, we may not be able to accommodate your preferred pickup days. Thank you for understanding.
- Once we confirm your child’s spot, the spot is secured until the end of the school year/June 2025 unless we receive a cancellation notice ahead of time.
- NON-REFUNDABLE DEPOSIT: A $50 non-refundable registration deposit is required after we confirm and secure your child’s spot.
- The $50 non-refundable deposit will be used towards the first month of tuition.
- The $50 non-refundable deposit will NOT be processed until we secure your child’s pickup days.
Payment Policies:
- Our Afterschool Program tuition is calculated weekly so you won’t pay tuition during Seattle Public School break weeks!
- PAYMENT METHODS: Payments can be processed via EFT directly from your bank account (*please provide a voided check) or through a credit card on file during the 1st week of every month.
- EARLY WEDNESDAY FEES: If you choose our Wednesday Afterschool program class, there will be an extra $15 per day fee on top of the Afterschool program tuition due to the early release times.
- SIBLING DISCOUNTS: Additional siblings will receive a 10% discount from the full price listed on this page.
- REJECTED PAYMENT FEES: Payments that can not be processed or are declined are automatically assessed a $40 processing fee.
- All students are required to have a correctly sized white karate uniform (top & bottom), training gloves, and a dojo cinch bag to carry their equipment.
- These items can be purchased separately or at the discounted price of $74 (plus tax) in our ‘ASP Karate Equipment Package’ below.
- If you select to purchase an ASP equipment package, $72 (plus tax) will be processed on the 1st day of your child(ren) attending our afterschool program.
- Returning students, please check that all items are labeled and correctly sized. If the size is incorrect or an item is lost, we’ll contact you to purchase a new item.
- All students are required to have a correctly sized white karate uniform (top & bottom), training gloves, and a dojo cinch bag to carry their equipment.
Schedule Change/Switching Days Policies:
- Due to our after-school program’s popularity, changing days may not always be possible. However, we will do our best to accommodate changes based on availability. To inquire about schedule changes, please email us at emeraldcitykaratestaff@gmail.com. *Verbal requests are not accepted.
- Your child(ren)’s pickup days cannot be changed daily or weekly as we need to plan our pick-up routes carefully.
Cancellation & Refund Policies:
- All cancellation requests must be submitted in writing to emeraldcitykaratestaff@gmail.com at least 2 weeks before your desired date of withdrawal. *Verbal cancellation requests are not accepted as we need to have the details of the request in writing in case there is any confusion about the request.
- e.g. If you wish to withdraw from our after-school program starting on March 1st, a cancellation request needs to be submitted in writing to emeraldcitykaratestaff@gmail.com no later than 2 weeks before March 1st.
- If we don’t receive a cancellation request in writing 2 weeks before the 1st day of the month of the withdrawal, the tuition for that month will be charged to your account.
- No fee reductions & No refunds will be made for late arrivals, early departures, missing classes due to homesickness, dismissal, personal vacation, and/or voluntary withdrawal.
- A friend cannot replace an absent student; all students must be registered to participate.
Pickup & Late Pickup Policy:
- Please list all individuals who are authorized to pick up your child(ren) at registration.
- If you would like someone who is not on the pickup authorization list to pick up your child, please email us at emeraldcitykaratestaff@gmail.com to let us know.
- Parents/Guardians are requested to pick up their child(ren) no later than 5:15 PM.
- Please call us as soon as possible at 206.437.3932 to let us know if, for some reason, you can’t pick up your child(ren) by 5:15 PM.
- If we don’t receive a phone call by 5:15 pm and you haven’t picked up your child, a late pickup fee ($25 per 10 minutes late) will be charged.
Absence and Illness Policies:
- Parents/Guardians must email us at emeraldcitykaratestaff@gmail.com by NO LATER THAN 12 PM on the day if their child(ren) doesn’t need to be picked up at the school and the absence was planned or foreseen.
- Parents/Guardians must call us at 206.437.3932 ASAP to let us know if they find out that their child(ren) doesn’t need to be picked up at school. For example, if your child goes home sick from school, please contact us ASAP so we don’t end up waiting for your child after school.
- A fee of $25 will be charged if parents/guardians do not notify Emerald City Karate that their child(ren) will be absent via email or call by the pickup time of the day. (2:25 PM on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday & 1:10 PM on Wednesday)
- *We typically pick up from two schools in one van, and if we have to wait for an unexpectedly absent student, it makes us late for picking up other students at the next school.
- *Please don’t expect the teachers/staff at school to let us know if your child(ren) is absent. Some schools do not have a designated teacher/staff to inform us if your child is absent. It’s the parents/guardians’ responsibility to contact us if their child(ren) will be absent.
New Students
- Click the orange button below to go to the afterschool program membership sign-up page.
- Click the red “sign-up” button next to the afterschool program membership you wish to sign up for.
- Fill out all the necessary information and click the red “Next” button.
- Sign the liability waiver and click the red “I accept the terms of this agreement” button.
- Fill out the required registration information and click the red “sign-up” button at the bottom of the page.
- Complete the request to process your registration online by signing the afterschool program membership waiver at the end.
*Please click “Visit the finances page” to add or update your payment method. A $50 non-refundable deposit will be charged via this payment method once your registration is confirmed.
*Please click “Visit your profile page” to add or update your information.
*Our Tuesday & Thursday roster is full at this moment. We can only add students for Monday & Wednesday lists.
Returning Students
- Click the orange button below to go to the afterschool program membership sign-up page.
- Click the red “sign-up” button next to the afterschool program membership you wish to sign up for.
- Sign into your account on Zen Planner, fill out/update all the required information, and click the red “Continue” button.
- Fill out/update all the required information and click the red “Sign up” button.
- Complete the request process online by signing the afterschool program membership waiver.
*Please click “Visit the finances page” to add or update your payment method. A $50 non-refundable deposit will be charged via this payment method once your registration is confirmed.
*Please click “Visit your profile page” to add or update your information.
*Our Tuesday & Thursday roster is full at this moment. We can only add students for Monday & Wednesday lists.
- Click the orange button below to download our afterschool program paper registration form.
- Fill out and complete the registration form.
- Submit the registration form to emeraldcitykaratestaff@gmail.com via email, mailing, or dropping it off at Emerald City Karate (8312 Greenwood Ave N, Seattle, WA 98103).
*Our Tuesday & Thursday roster is full at this moment. We can only add students for Monday & Wednesday lists.
Frequently Asked Questions
Our Dojo Van currently picks up from:
Whittier Elementary, Daniel Bagley Elementary, Cascadia Elementary
Our instructors lead walking groups from:
Greenwood Elementary
- We pick up students from their schools in our karate vans.
- Students arrive at the dojo and change into their karate uniforms.
- Students eat a snack to give them an energy boost before our karate training.
- Karate Class & Life Skills Talk
- Arts, Crafts, Mini-Science lessons, Japanese Language lessons, Quiet time/homework time, and activities & games which reinforce teamwork and focus skills.
- Parent pick up
Yes, if they are already enrolled for that particular day and time. Please contact us by email or call.
Every student is required to attend at least 2 classes per week in order to stay up to date on the current curriculum requirements. (You can choose up to 4 classes a week!)
Due to our After School Program’s popularity, schedule changes cannot always be guaranteed, but we will do our best to accommodate changes based on availability. To inquire about schedule changes, please email us at emeraldcitykaratestaff@gmail.com
Our EIN Tax ID is 81-4137475.
“I first started training under Sensei Tobey in 2008. When I first started my training I was a pack-a-day smoker. I had tried to quit smoking many times but had failed. I promised Sensei I’d quit before my black belt test. I no longer smoke, and I believe that my training in Shudokan Karate under Sensei Tobey gave me the mental discipline that I needed to quit.”
-Thom E – Adult Karate Program
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“My 7-year old son and I have been going to Emerald City Karate for several years now. We have had a great time and always look forward to our family/youth class. As well as teaching about karate and Japanese culture and language, Sensei Tobey provides great lessons on how to work hard and patiently to succeed in anything. It’s also a great way to get mid-week exercise!”
Alan H – Youth & Family Program
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“Sensei Tobey is my son’s Karate teacher (we’re in the 4 to 6-year-old class). As a teacher of small children, I find him to be a wonderful combination of patience, discipline, and fun. He is very passionate about teaching Karate and it shows. He relates to the kids very well and can teach boys and girls equally, not only the physical skills of Karate but mental focus skills as well. It’s been a great experience for my son and I highly recommend Sensei Tobey and Emerald City Karate to anyone looking to enroll their child in a martial arts class. “
Yvette H (Karate Mom)
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Before joining Emerald City Karate I had no experience playing sports or participating in exercise programs because I didn’t like physical activities. So I didn’t expect I would be able to keep training for more than a month or so. But I found it to be fun immediately. The karate class has a variety of different subjects that keep students from being bored. Also, Sensei Tobey knows how to encourage students and allows them to have fun while feeling good about themselves. He likes telling jokes and making students laugh but his passion for teaching karate is always distinctive and serious. Because of his encouragement, I have kept training for a long time and even now I am training in Japan! Karate has taught me the joy of exercise and improved my concentration and it continues to teach many students to practice better manners and etiquette.
It is my pleasure to recommend Emerald City Karate for your exercise and experience in martial arts.
-Kaoru M: Adult Karate Program
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Your reviews help make us better, leave yours today. On Yelp
“I cannot say enough good things about the programs offered at Emerald City Karate. If you have children, this dojo (school) is a wonderful environment for them to learn traditional Japanese martial arts, self-discipline, and to have a great time!”
-Samantha: Karate mom
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Your reviews help make us better, leave yours today. On Yelp